20 Goals for 2020

  • Night time mediation - I put this one first because this will be easiest for me. Doing a focused breathing night time meditation has been part of my routine for well over a year now. My body is so used to doing it, that I can tell a significant difference in the quality of my sleep when I don’t do it. So hey, yeah I’m giving myself an easy goal, but sometimes a girl needs those!

  • Write for fun/keep a journal/record my affirmations - This one I am keeping extremely open for a couple reasons. One, I have other goals that include writing so I don’t want to narrow myself down too much. Two, I found that through therapy, some sort of journaling is expected so they will often guide you towards what will be best for your healing process. (yes, I have gone to therapy. yes, I want to go back. yes, it’s 2020 you should probably go to therapy too, it’s great when you find the right person, 10/10 recommend)

  • Work out each day - WOAH before anyone comes for me about ‘what about your rest days’ I STILL think it’s important to give yourself a good stretch, or a good soft, gentle flow yoga exercise, or literally just got for a walk to help keep your body moving and your mind from getting too restless. I’m not saying I want to be in the gym lifting everyday! just moving my body in some way everyday.

  • Meal prep each week - Honestly, this is another easy goal for me. I am pretty good at doing this, I have my Trader Joe’s staples that allow me to have the same four meals as my meal prep each week. What I really want to do is get more CREATIVE with my meal prep, but as long as I stay consistent with it, I’ll be happy.

  • Follow a cleaning schedule - I am a very “when I see it is dirty, I’ll clean it” sort of person if it is not a shared living space that no one else is ever going to be in or see. I won’t do laundry until the basket is full, I won’t dust until I can literally see dust, but this past year, I made “Self care Sundays” a thing, which required me to do a full clean of my bathroom every week so I could take a bath in a clean tub and….I kinda liked that routine? So I want to make more of a consistent schedule with the rest of the stuff. Vacuum on Tuesdays or dust every other Thursday? I don’t really know yet but that is definitely a habit I want to get in to.

  • Practice intuitive eating - I will say, the only reason I think that this is realistic for me, is because I tracked my macros so closely this last year. By now, I generally have a solid understanding of food, what it contains, and what my body needs. I don’t need to keep track of everything so closely to know, “oooo I am waaaaay over on my carbs today” or “I definitely need a protein shake after that workout.” At this point, I know my body and the nutrients it needs, I am probably still going to track somedays? but not NEARLY as closely as this last year was.

  • Practice a monthly focus - I LOVE a good 30 day challenge. It is long enough that you really feel the push but not so long that you can’t see the end in sight. I have made a list of what my monthly challenges are going to be that I will share with you at some point, but I am still missing something for 2 of the months. I am open to suggestions!

  • Donate/volunteer more - This is one of those things that everyone says they are going to do, or everyone says they WANT to do, but it doesn’t always happen. I think the issue is finding their passion point. It is easy to find ways to volunteer, but what are you passionate about? What is going to make that connection and hit that spot in your heart that will make you want to come back again and again? That is what I am hoping to find this year.

  • Try a new hobby - Last year, my friend and I went to an adult Gymnastics class and I loved it! It was a great workout, definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone and required me to put my trust in someone else….ok so I am bad at trusting other people and definitely didn’t end up letting him spot me because my trust issues are real BUT maaaaaybe this new hobby can help me work through that?! and I can learn to be a bad ass that can do flips and shit!

  • Make your bed - I don’t know if it’s time for me to just get rid of some pillows or what. I LOVE my decorative pillows and the way it makes me feel like I am actually an adult who has their life together when it’s all made it up. BUT, I rarely actually make my bed every morning putting all the pillows back in their place. Maybe it’s because most of my shifts require me to be awake before 6am, but I normally just move the comforter back into position, place the pillow I sleep with back in its spot, and then leave the other 8 pillows on the floor next to the bed because I cannot be bothered to deal with all of them that early. Something’s got to change.

  • Establish a morning routine - woah! didn’t mean to do that….well…that brings us to I want a more consistent morning routine. I want to wake up and know exactly what to do next so i don’t end up laying in bed wasting time scrolling through my phone until I make that decision. I used to wake up, sit up, make some coffee and then catch up and read the news…but that was on my phone which would then lead to me looking at Instagram..and Facebook…and Twitter and then the next thing I know I am running out the door for work in a scramble!

  • Go for more walks - Walking is a form of therapy for me. If I am feeling any sort of unsettled emotion whether it is positive or negative, I find myself having to walk it off. It gives my body something to do while my mind processes whatever it is it needs to process. If I just naturally work more walks into my day, maybe I won’t need more nervous/anxious walks!

  • Monthly social media detox - This is a habit I started back in…October? But once a month, mostly on Instagram, I would go ahead and unfollow any account that I didn’t feel a connection to or didn’t feel inspired by. Yeah, I have old friends from high school that haven’t posted in 8 months that I could probably unfollow but on the off chance that they do, I would want to see what’s going on in their life! But the blogger who posts consistently who, yeah sure their stuff is cute? and they go on fun trips? but there is nothing unique about it. They are wearing the same brown over the knee boots as everyone else. They are taking the same photo in front of a beach. I’m not learning anything new. Not seeing people’s culture or different foods or learning what is good quality vs what isn’t. So, those people I have been unfollowing.

  • Build a monthly budget - I already live on an “unofficial budget”. I spend pretty much the same amount every month but I haven’t really TRACKED it in about a year. I want to really look at it, see if there are any changes that I would like to make, and then go from there! So we can put this one under the “easy goal” category.

  • Curate a more ‘capsule’ wardrobe - For years, I would constantly stop myself from buying things that I liked because I had enough “neutral color shirts” or I didn’t need another royal blue dress. I would then get myself to buy something that I don’t already own, but didn’t necessarily love. This lead me to have the most random pieces in my wardrobe that don’t go with anything. I want to make sure that the clothes that I buy ACTUALLY go together. I don’t need to get the sweater I love in red instead of white simply because I don’t have anything red. If I like the white, get the white and it is going to go with so many more things AND it’s going to make me happier.

  • Drink more water consistently - Not gonna lie, I am pretty great at drinking the amount of water that I’m supposed to. The problem is, sometimes I will just down an entire water bottle in one sitting and then not drink any more for a couple hours. So I want to make sure that I am sipping on it consistently, throughout the day and not just chugging it and upsetting my stomach.

  • Live simply, consume less - The idea of living “zero waste” sounds incredible. Is it attainable for me? Probably. In 2020? No. So I just want to be more aware of it and really think about how much I am consuming, and making sure that when I do make purchases, that I am making the most eco friendly purchase possible (and yes that means cutting back on the Amazon packages).

  • Practice intentional breathing - When I do my guided meditations at night, it is usuall one that is focused on breathing. It does such a great job of stabilizing my thoughts and emotions before bed that I really want to try doing it more throughout my day so that * fingers crossed * I can be more emotionally stable in my everyday life! (One can hope, am I right?

  • Ditch a bad habit each month - I have a lot of habits that aren’t BAD BAD but just little things that aren’t necessary. So for the month of January, I am trying to stop eating in my room so much. Literally all my meals, I take them up to my room and eat them there. There really isn’t a need to do that, so I am going to try at least stay downstairs. Baby steps, right?

  • Read for 30 min each day - This one is just a selfish one. I like to read, I don’t feel like I do it as much anymore and I want to. Simple as that.